Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19/11 Cindalu

Been climbing, doing yoga, and started going for 30-40 minute walks a couple times a week. A PT recommended to me that I walk for half and hour a day, or atleast 15 minutes. I haven't exactly done that, but I have started doing some walking.

I competed in a rock climbing competition last week. I ranked 23 out of about 200 for my division! Woot! The beau and I went for a rock hopping trip a few weekends ago, and have gone hiking once. Have a plan to go for a top roping trip May 15 at Mt. Diablo with some friends. I was supposed to go kayaking last weekend, but couldn't get myself out of bed at 7 a.m. Also, I had competed, doing 8 climbs the evening before, so I was a bit tired.

Also, I've gotten to about 138.5 or so, which I haven't been in a long time. I'm determined to keep losing weight and get in better shape.

I've been drinking more water, and eating more vegetables.

Hooraaaaaayy SUN!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6/11 Cindalu

Monday I did yoga for an hour then climbed for 2 hours. Tuesday I went hiking for an hour and a half or so. Wednesday I will go do yoga again. I think I am building some muscle. Haven't lost any weight so far this week. Also, been eating chocolate chips for the past few days. Not good!

I am going to try and opt for the stovestop chocolate pudding made from almond milk instead. I only put 2 tablespoons of sugar in the whole thing. Much better. And lowfat.

Exercise is exhausting!

On the 15th I am going to compete in a climbing competition.