Sunday, May 15, 2011

5/15/11 Cindalu

Too much chocolate this past week! Ooppps!

I did yoga twice this week, went on two long walks, and went on a a climbing trip this past weekend that required a small amount of steep hiking.

This week I have been bloated. I feel like a balloon!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

5/9/11 Cindalu

It is near my time of my monthly gift, and I am bloated. I think I've temporarily gained 3 pounds because of it. Disappointing!

I was doing more walking, and then it started getting hot outside and I stopped. But I went for a walk with the beau today for half an hour. I think it has been making a difference in my weight loss goal.

I have been continuing going to yoga. However, my yoga teacher will no longer be teaching in the afternoons. Which sort of sucks. I tend to go to her evening class more often, but I like having the option of going at 12:00 p.m. for the days when I am motivated to get out the door by then. Make my day a lot better. I haven't found a yoga instructor at my gym that I like more than her. The others are just OK but not fantastic. I am disappointed. I am afraid she is going to leave my gym forever in the near future. Siiiiiigh. She is going to focus on teaching yoga retreats, some out of the country. I think that seems like a great idea. So great, I almost want in on the idea. I could learn how to teach yoga, teach a few places, and hope I can put together a yoga retreat. Those would probably make very good money. Have to build up a client base though first. Hard!

My pain has been some better. However, I still have it everyday and the past few days have been rough. Very ouchy. I feel like I have some tiny creature stabbing me a few times a day with a tiny sharp object. :(

I just wish that my body would heal itself. I don't know if I will ever live pain free again. It makes me feel down when I think about it. I have hope that perhaps with advances in stemcell research science will figure out how to rebuild and repair tissue and nerves that are damaged. All that I can have is hope. I hope they cure cystic fibrosis first though.

I have been doing better with limiting my sweets. It is rough though! I don't see any other way around it. I need to lower my bodyfat percentage. It is at an unhealthy level right now. Also, need to commit to stretching and walking everyday. The beau is thinking of getting a dog. That might help with the walking.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19/11 Cindalu

Been climbing, doing yoga, and started going for 30-40 minute walks a couple times a week. A PT recommended to me that I walk for half and hour a day, or atleast 15 minutes. I haven't exactly done that, but I have started doing some walking.

I competed in a rock climbing competition last week. I ranked 23 out of about 200 for my division! Woot! The beau and I went for a rock hopping trip a few weekends ago, and have gone hiking once. Have a plan to go for a top roping trip May 15 at Mt. Diablo with some friends. I was supposed to go kayaking last weekend, but couldn't get myself out of bed at 7 a.m. Also, I had competed, doing 8 climbs the evening before, so I was a bit tired.

Also, I've gotten to about 138.5 or so, which I haven't been in a long time. I'm determined to keep losing weight and get in better shape.

I've been drinking more water, and eating more vegetables.

Hooraaaaaayy SUN!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6/11 Cindalu

Monday I did yoga for an hour then climbed for 2 hours. Tuesday I went hiking for an hour and a half or so. Wednesday I will go do yoga again. I think I am building some muscle. Haven't lost any weight so far this week. Also, been eating chocolate chips for the past few days. Not good!

I am going to try and opt for the stovestop chocolate pudding made from almond milk instead. I only put 2 tablespoons of sugar in the whole thing. Much better. And lowfat.

Exercise is exhausting!

On the 15th I am going to compete in a climbing competition.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

3/31/11 Cindalu

Went and did yoga yesterday. The day before I went climbing. Went to the gym 3 times this week. Yay!

Monday, March 28, 2011

3/29/11 Cindalu

I did it!
I am officially back in the 130's. Woooooot!
I haven't been there in about nearly 3 years.
What I have been doing is eating less, and not snacking all day.
I went climbing twice last week. Irritated my muscles and nerves on the second time though unfortunately. Was able to kind of stretch things out. Not 100% back to where I was, but some better. If I have time today, I am going to take a yoga class this evening after I take my math exam. I will probably do some kind of activity after that. Maybe some cardio of some sort.

I like your idea about setting one goal a month. I think that is pretty realistic. More likely to become a real part of your life. That's awesome!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

MT 3/27

Ms. Cindalu, I’m so sorry I haven’t been following or posting on the blog!!!! I just read all of your past posts. It sounds like things have been rough. I’m not sure what to tell you about your boy. Maybe you should just tell him that what he’s saying to you isn’t big news, it doesn’t make you feel good or motivate you, so maybe he should keep it to himself for a while?
Hon, you’re amazing, and you ARE doing stuff with your life. I’m so amazed that you’ve been able to write a whole book!!!!! Keep at it! Did you ever hear back from the climbing gym about that job? Maybe you should consider moving here ;)
As for me, I’ve got 5 months until my 30th birthday. I’ve set up a little program for myself- every month I focus on a different goal- I want these to be life goals that I keep forever. I’ve often read that a new goal takes a month to develop into a habit, and I recently read that it’s best to focus on only one goal at a time.
So I’ve got five months. Month 1- no eating after 8pm. No matter what. After this month, I can eat after 8pm for VERY special social occasions, but that’s it. And I want to keep this goal for the rest of my life.
Month 2- clean/organize for 15 minutes every morning after I get up and every night before I sleep. I think this will make my life more peaceful.
I think for month 3 I will write when I wake up in the morning- just enough to clear my head.
Month 4, I think stretching when I wake up and before I go to bed.
I forgot what I was going to do for month five! I’m sure I’ll remember though.
Anyways, I’ve been doing pretty good on food lately, not so good on exercise because I’m still waiting for this stupid weather to clear up. Bleh.
And not eating after 8pm seems to be making a difference! I am sleeping better and waking up more refreshed, and I’m sure I’ve cut my calorie consumption by a third haha (that may not last long as I’ll probably start eating more during the day since I’m not eating at night)
Okay, gotta go.
Love ya Cindalu, keep me updated and I’ll try to get on here more.