Monday, September 13, 2010

9/13/10 - The Butt Crack of Dawn. - CQ

Well MT, sometimes we have setbacks. It's okay. Chocolate can do that to a woman.

I have been doing well with exercise. I went to yoga again last week, and plan to do so again this morning, and another time later on this week. Also, I went climbing yesterday, and had a reaaaallllly good climb. It was awesome.

I've been doing well with the eating for the most part. Over the weekend I ate a few random things because I hadn't planned what I was eating, but it wasn't anything horrible. Just random stuff, which I do when I am starving.

I've lost a pound or two. Yay!

At some point I will figure out something I want to fit into and take a photo.

I've been super busy with physical therapy, cystic fibrosis events, BBQ's, get togethers, stuff Eric has planned, dr. appointments, writing my book, etc. I've found planning my food out a little has helped. Two light meals a day of cereal or cottage cheese w/ apple sauce and one regular meal. I've found it hard to coordinate my one big meal of the day when I am at home by myself. Any suggestions?

I am worried that I am not eating a balanced diet. And I've decided I want to try and reduce my intake of sugar and breads. How does one make vegetables fun? Without adding all sorts of processed crap to it?

I think I may check out some raw foods recipes or blogs.

I am going to try and schedule a surf lesson within the next three weeks. Eric is interested in it too, so that is kind of exciting. There was actually an article posted on the benefits of surfing for people with CF. How it helps their breathing when surfing is in salt water. So, maybe he and I can learn together.

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