I concluded my fast the afternoon of day 10. My first meal was at the salad bar 'Fresh Choice.' I had salad, this pho soup sort of thing, and couldn't resist the chocolate muffin. I actually didn't care for the chocolate muffin. It is odd how my taste buds change when given the chance to refresh. I still seem to have an addiction to chocolate though, as I finished that chocolate bar I had worked on the day before and then some. Perhaps I should go on a chocolate fast?
Despite having a big meal yesterday, I have still managed to lose weight. I am now at 140.8 pounds, which means I have lost 10 pounds. Perhaps this year I will make my goal of being 135 again?
I am still trying to figure out parts of my health problem. I am worried I may have chronic bladder inflammation. I need to retest. I will do so when I am done with my antibiotics.
One of my goals is to drink more water. Another is to reduce my sugar and chocolate intake. I think this could help lower my risk of chronic infections.
I had a bowl of cereal today. I need to plan out what I would like my meals to look like. I think since the weather is starting to cool down that oatmeal would make a good nutritious breakfast.
I would like to cut down on my bread intake, as that apparently just breaks down into sugar production. So, I need to make some meals that work with that.
The boyfriend and I are going to make red cabbage soup over the weekend. It will have onions, carrots, and some meat in it. I will eat that for 5 days I imagine. I think I may replace the sugar that goes into it with honey.
I also would like to limit my intake of cheese and meat even more so than I had before. I just don't feel like they are that good for me, and the idea of eating stuff from animals kind of freaks me out. Especially american cows who are usually fed a corn diet when in actuality they need to be grass fed.
One thing I need to do is continue to get exercise. My most recent physical therapist does not give me her blessing when it comes to climbing, atleast until she feels I start improving. She also thinks I need to be careful when it comes to yoga. I suppose walking should be okay as long as I get some kind of insert for my shoe to compensate for my one shorter leg. Walking is so boring though. I still think I will try and go to yoga. My other PT didn't have much of a problem with me doing either of those activities really. Soooooo....
I know the following doesn't have anything to do with physical health, but more so emotional health: I am getting increasingly more frustrated with having a roommate. I really desire and need my own space to walk around wearing (or not wearing) whatever I want. And mostly, I am getting really sick of having to constantly clean up after someone else. I really need to live by myself again. I had a third interview with this one company who had me interview with 5 different people separately. However, I was supposed to hear from them on Tuesday and its now Thursday. I am assuming I didn't get the job. I was really hoping I got it because then I could move out and get my own place again!! And I wouldn't have to worry so hard about health insurance and such. But I was also thinking, 'man, I won't have time to go travel like I was hoping and it will be hard to get to all my doctor appointments.' I was questioning if I was really ready to go back to work. So, its a mixed blessing. I am really tired of cleaning up after someone else though. Its getting on my last nerve.
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