Tuesday, February 22, 2011

2-22-11 Cindalu

I'm glad you're back MT!

You do a lot of good exercise. I need to get better about that. I've gotten so lazy! Being in pain a lot its unmotivating to want to move my body. I've gotten used to being rather sedentary. It's a struggle to keep myself active now. It's so hard! I don't know how in the world I used to climb 3 times a week. I was in much better shape.

The last few days I've eaten a lot. Not all so good for me. The boyfriends parents were in town, and they brought this coffee cake thing. And the day before I had a little some icecream and cake (boyfriends neices birthday). The day after I had a little pie and a little icecream after dinner. Today I had a can of soda and two pieces of chocolate. The cravings I have for sugar is just ridiculous! In my defense, I think that I do like to eat when I am either bored or stressed out. When his folks are in town we both get stressed out. And I usually overeat.

I did do yard work this weekend. And yesterday the boyfriend and I spent about 4 hours cleaning out the garage. Those things take SOME calories to do. Atleast we went climbing on Friday.

I'm super stoked about learning to surf. I'd like to make it a goal to be looking better by then (May 7th). So I can look good in my bikini. (Or wetsuit or what not). I would like to weigh in the 130's again by then. Even if its 139 I'll take it! So, that gives me atleast 5 pounds to lose in about 2 &1/2 months. I think that is reasonable.

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