Friday, February 25, 2011

2/25/11 Cindalu

Today the boyfriend and I did yoga for an hour, then did three top roping routes. I did my first 5.11a since I had my surgery back in January of 2010! Wooooot! I am very proud of myself. I felt like a rockstar. That is a big accomplishment for me. I have struggled really hard with my athleticism since my major surgery, and I am really so glad I was able to make it up the route. Even if it wasn't perfect.

Yesterday I went swimming for nearly an hour. That went pretty good.

My gym mhas this 'challenge list' they put together for people to do for the year 2011. If I complete 36 (?) of the 112 (?) items on the list I get a free t-shirt. I am going to make that one of my goals now too.

I have been trying to incorporate more vegetables into my diet. Meh. I know need to. Last weekend I planted some winter vegetables in the garden. Sugar peas, spinach, carrots, radishes, onions. I hope they grow. I planted them as seeds. I have only ever been able to keep a couple suculent plants alive. I really hope they turn into vegetables. It is more motivating to eat vegetables when I went to the trouble to plant them and watch over them as they grow. There is a zuchinni plant and a tomato plant I need to put out there as well. Also, a few strawberry plants (but they aren't vegetables obviously).

Anyhow, look forward to hearing from ya. Hope you're doing well!

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