Food: protein shake
Two burritos (potatoes, onion, tomatos, sugar snap peas, a little salsa, lettuce= not tasty, gotta improve recipe ;)
One MASSIVE carrot
A little chocolate
Veg buffet, no fried food, mostly just vegetables, go me!
Uh oh here’s where it gets bad- tiny package jelly candies, 4 cookies =( a couple of hard candies, a banana.
And now I won’t eat anymore today!
Exercise: 20 min walk on beach with dogs (maybe longer?)
45 min hula hoop, very active ;)
Not too bad today but could have done without the eating binge after dinner!
Ugh I’m so mad at myself. Last night I ate after I got home from work. This is what happens- If I use the internet after I get home, I get all caught up on facebook and on this forum I’m a part of. I spend the night sitting on my ass (no exercise), crouched over a computer, which makes my back hurt, staying up way too late, and at around midnight I get uncontrollable food cravings. That’s exactly what happened last night. At midnight I raided my weekly candy supply and went berserk, eating ALL OF IT! (My dad sent me a package filled with delicious American candy that’s not available where I am and I divided it into sixteen baggies with dates on them so I wouldn’t eat it all at once)
So now I have no candy for the rest of the week ;) sigh, self control, where’d you go. To make it worse, after the candy I decided all that sugar on an empty stomach was a terrible thing so I ate two tortillas with a little cheese and tuna. Sighhhhh.
Result of this- I fell asleep around 2, which means I got up around 10ish, and when I woke up, my back hurt (from so much computer time) and I had no energy (I think I don’t sleep as well when I eat before bed) and I didn’t go surfing this morning, and then spent half the morning on the internet too! It’s a terrible cycle and I need to break it!
Food for today: super awesome healthy smoothie, and peanut butter and jelly wrapped in a tortilla (ran out of bread)
Exercise: Only a 10 min walk with my dogs, but I’m going to remedy that, I’m going to exercise right now!
Later went on a nice surf!
I cannot live with this weather. I think it is the direct cause of my flub. When it’s warm and I can go outside and have fun and wear very little inside the house, I feel great and I don’t need to eat crap all the time. When it’s cold and overcast and dreary I just wanna sit around and eat. FUCK! I hate it! And it’s been beautiful for two days and now it’s going to go back to shit weather and I just can’t stand it anymore.
Anyways, I missed the past couple days but here’s a time to start anew
Food: Two super healthy veggie burritos that I made myself. Tortillas prob the most unhealthy part.
Some candy. After I checked the weather report. Because it depressed me. Fuck!
Exercise: Nice long walk with my dogs, not very strenuous but still nice. Hooped for nearly an hour- it’s hot so hooped in a bikini which was motivating. No wonder I gained weight in the winter, I can’t even see what I look like under the winter clothes so I don’t give a shit!
I might surf later, will at least take another long walk, soaking up the sun in preparation for the shitty future week which will suck ass. Maybe that storm won’t come. Sigh.
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