Tuesday, August 3, 2010

mt- 8-3 sorry for being a slacker!

So I’ve been super busy. Not sleeping much. Not eating as much. Crazy schedule. Fun fun fun ;)
Anyways, I have not stuck with my goals perfectly, but still doing pretty good. I have exactly 1 month to get rid of my gutt. I think I can do it

Today: breakfast- 1 slice bread, 1 egg, onions, garlic, avocado, tomatos, a dash of olive oil and a little salt

Lunch- oily veggie buffet. Maybe I should find a new, healthier lunch? It’s just that food here is always oily and greasy =( maybe I should just eat at home, and only eat fruit on my break from work. Cause really, it’s tough to find healthy food here.

Dinner- sigh- didn’t really make it. I’m not sposed to eat post work but I had two lil bags of trail mix (tiny, prob not even a quarter cup each) no wonder I’m starving! Didn’t realize I ate so little today! I resisted eating ice cream and chocolate, go me!

Exercise- I’ve started this new ‘hoop walk’ thing. When I walk my dogs at night, I hula hoop at the same time (my dogs go leashless). It keep smy stomach tight and it’s fun so I stay out longer. Dogs love it, so do I.

Anyways it’s past midnight and I’ve got a 5 am surf date. Night! Wish me luck, 1 month!!!!
Crap- I’ve been meaning to do this research for a while now so I’m doing it even though I’m freaking exhausted.
Foods that boost your metabolism-
Green tea
Whey protein
Soy milk

I'm going to drink oolong tea every morning and a handful of almondsevery night. and I'll try to get ahold of some grapefruit!

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