Monday, July 26, 2010

MT I'm a bum 7-26

CQ I totally stress about food here- for example, I saw my neighbors burning all these crazy plastics and toxic stuff on the beach, then, a couple of months later, they were planting seeds RIGHT WHERE THEY BURNED THAT STUFF!!! Also, so many gardens are right by the road, all the run-off goes into the gardens, and there is a lot of concern about factory run off into the ground water and contaminating the rice paddies. Sighhhhh.
Anyways, I haven’t kept up lately but it’s okay, I’ll start again now. Only 4 weeks til my bday. I haven’t made any progress…
My goodness. I don’t even remember this weekend, it was so crazy. I don’t think I ate much though (nor slept much) and danced all night Saturday so I’m probably okay on the exercise front.
It’s 1149pm and I’m dying to EAT and EAT tons of food. Already ate a bit so broke my no food after work rule =( but limited myself so not too bad.

New rule- I am going to prepare and eat food in MINISCULE amounts. I can eat everything and I can eat a lot, but no more big serving sizes filling my whole belly. Just little snacks all day.

Took my measurements again, and in some places I’ve GROWN instead of shrunk. LAME.
Okay I’m writing in all caps a lot so I must be tired. Better post tomorrow.

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