Wednesday, May 26, 2010

CQ 5/26/10

OMG I ate alllllllll crap today.

Scone. Frozen microwave sandwich thing. Some candy. Pistachios. Slurpie. Lunchable thing. Fries. Chicken wrap thing. Soda. 2 Mochi balls. Chocolate covered pretzels.

I KNOW. I know!!

Fucking ridiculous. It was such a long day. I was up at 6 a.m. and at work from 7:15 till 3 p.m. Then had physical therapy an hour away. Then sat in traffic for awhie and didn't get home till 7:30 p.m. I am exhausted. I got to do better about bringing healthy snacks and planning meals.

I think I am going to start making spring rolls again for dinner. Healthy and pretty easy. Maybe start eating more pho and sushi again. Start shopping at whole foods so I can get healthy premade food.

Okay so here are my goals. Climb once a week. Do yoga once a week. Eat only 1200-1300 calories a day. Do my physical therapy leg stretching daily and tailbone homework.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

aggghhh mt 5-25

okey let's see---- ate a lot of crap today
I did surf however
I just ate three pbandj sandwiches
that's bad
gotta get back on the goals

Monday, May 24, 2010

5/24/10 CQ

Had my nerve block today. Rewarded myself with junk food... opps. I feel kinda icky now.

On the good side, I have all sorts of healthy fruit and some veggies in my fridge. Will load up on those more instead of eating out.

I did yoga in the park on sunday and went for a little walk.

I am going to try and start doing yoga in the park on sundays for the next 2 & 1/2 months or so. There is a free class there through August something-er-other so I am going to go. Eric and I are going to try and go together.

Also, I am going to try and start going to the dinky climbing gym near my house once a week after work when its cheap.

So, I am starting to get SOMEWHERE better. Slooooooowly.

Haven't been on as much pain meds. Yay.

I think the physical therapy is helping.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

mt 5-20-10

Total bum today
couldn't get myself out of bed to surf in the am. no exercise (I'll do 30 exercise ball sit ups before I go to sleep)
So much chocolate. I just couldn't seem to control myself
how sad
and I thought I was begiinning to make progress, my stomach seemed a little less doughy
ah well tomorrow is a new day and I will surf my head off.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

mt 519-10

Stayed up way too late last night, so missed my morning surf (waaaaaahhhhh and the conditions were so good, small but good offshore wind waaaaaahhhhh!!!!) took only a short walk witht he doggies, and then went to costco.
Quite proud of myself, only bought healthy foods with a low sugar to protein/fiber ratio--- GO ME!!!
Anyways, what'd I eat today? A lil sushi thing with a little salmon, and daaaaaaaaaaaang, I can't remember but I remember thinkin wow I"m awesome, this is really healthy.
Things kinda fell apart tonight when I got a mocha smoothie thingy and a green tea shave ice. damn the shave ice in asia is awesome though.
let's see, tonight my friend brought me two apple/peanut butter/cheese filled crepes, and I snacked on almonds and sugar snap peas. Not too bad. Might go nibble on something elese cause my tummy's feeling a little fiber'd out with all these almonds.
exercise, not much--- just short walk and 30 crunches on ye ol exercise ball--- damn I really feel those things. Hullo ABS!!!!
better tomorrow. surf in am, and healthy eating with my hard won costco food, hip hip hooray!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

CQ - 5/18/10

Recovering from having Lynnette over for several days. It was really exhausting. I was so tired while she was here, then on wednesday of last week I wound up in the ER because I was sick to my stomach for hours on end. Had an IV put into me. Anti-nausea meds, pain meds, the whole deal. I am nervous about how much it is going to cost me.

On the health front, it turns out I don't have IC. I have pudendal neuralgia (its a nerve problem). I go in on Monday to get a nerve block done to confirm. The nerve could be compressed, so I started going to physical therapy. I've gone twice now. This last time we did some gentle stretching of my hamstrings. I am going to try and do some of that at home.

I actually feel a TINY bit better. The constant clenching is not as painful. I am not exactly sure what that means, but the pain is a little less, so that's good!

Eric took me to yoga on Friday. I was able to do almost everything. Some things I couldn't do as to not further irritate my nerve and the surrounding muscles. I was a little sore the next day, mostly in my obliques.

I really want to get into climbing again on a regular basis. My medical bills have been so expensive though, its ridiculous. And, because of the nerve and the motions of taking in the rope, I probably shouldn't be belaying. Which makes me a pretty crappy climbing partner. I can do bouldering though. There is a TINY rock gym near me. But I really don't like their bouldering area. Its mostly just a cave. I don't like overhang.

I am not supposed to spend a lot of time sitting, so it probably wouldn't be a great idea to for me to travel to the better climbing gym as it takes about 45 minutes to get there. I'd like to find some places outside to climb. However, there is probably some travel involved there too. When my medical expences get under control I would be better able to pay for a membership. Then I can just go to the climbing gym in concord with Eric on the weekends.

So, alas, I still need to work on my eating habits. Planning my meals out better. Having some SNACKS in my house so I don't eat out and order like a ravage. Today I will try and do that. Plan out some snacks and go to the store.

I'd like to eat less junk food as well. I've really been feining for it lately and been finding the worst things to eat.

I've noticed that I've REALLY gotten out of shape. I don't fit into a bunch of my old work clothes. My stomach is ridiculous. And my arms. I need to trim down. It's frustrating that I can't do many of the active things I really enjoy. And then, I feel in pain a lot so I eat stuff to make me feel better I think.

So, today I will work on doing some stretching of my hamstrings and hips. And I will make a healthier menu of items I should eat. And I will try and go to the grocery store and get some semi-healthy snacks.

Monday, May 17, 2010

mt 5-17-10

Food: Smoothie for breakfast, small bowl of cereal for lunch, small caprese salad and small roll for dinner. Healthy veggie sushi roll for after work snack, and a kinda roll thing with veggies inside (not too healthy) smoothie pops (healthy) a little seaweed (decently healthy). Now it's night and I should just go to sleep so I don't eat more but I want to stay up and I want to eat more! why why why????
I dunno, I didn't eat too much today and I want a pb and j sandwich.... is that so bad....should i do it? Okay, I'm going to do a hundred sit ups on my exercise ball, then I can have the sandwich hahahaha. damn it. Well I am sticking to my roll of only one carb after work. Kinda. that other roll thing is a carb. damnit! sigh....if I don't eat it....Okay, I'm not going to eat it. Hopefully I wont' stay up all night thinking of the damn pb and j. Why am I only hungry at night???
exercise: Woke up completely sore from all my exercise yesterday, so didn't surf this am. Plus it was windy. Took dogs for hour long walk, stood on bongo board to type. hula hooped while walking dogs tonight, only 10 min but tense abs the whole time. gonna do 50 exercise ball sit ups now...

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Think I might give myself a bit of a break from the blog on weekends. My schedules so crazy on weekends it's hard to remember it.
Anyways, lots of exercise this weekend---- surfing sat and sun (waves were great saturday! YEAH!!!) and helping friends turn the soil in their garden today (that was hard work).
Food I did okay too except for today I hadn't eaten all day when I got to a party and daaaaang they had some good food--- so ate a piece of pie, a brownie, and a piece of cake and all sorts of other stuff.
I think Sunday will be my free eating day. When I can eat whatever
This week, I didn't do well with not eating after 1030 pm. I'm usually either chatting with someone online or chatting with my neighbor upstairs until late and then I realize it's almost time so I start eating....way too much.
So maybe I'll just say only one snack after work--- one sandwich, one salad, etc--- or maybe this--- only one serving of carbs, the rest has to be vegetables or fruit in their raw form. I think that works....
Okay, I'll be back on tomorrow with my MOnday update!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

mt 5-13-10

food- smoothie for breakfast
brunch- big thing o chinese noodles with an egg mixed in
lunch/dinnerish- veggie buffet restaurant--- all veggies, all the time, but all cooked in copious amounts of oil and simmered on low for hours.
dinner-- well got home at 930, walked dogs, did yoga with upstairs neighbor and chatted-- home at 1030 and starving so broke mydon't eat after 10:30 rule and boy I tell ya I ATE--- way too much.
pb n j (3 open face sandwiches) and lots of seaweed. sigh

exercise- not much at all- just an hour walk with my dogs
better tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

stupid ass thing won't let me copy and paste.
Anyways, here are my goals:
-yoga am and pm
-surf, hoop or slackline at least 1 hour per day
-stand on bongo board or sit on exercise ball while writing, no sitting on ass
-If I don't surf, an hour long walk with the dogs
-no eating after 1030 pm
-If I'm watching something on my computer or projector, work out while I'm watching it. If I'm too tired to work out, I'll just go to bed!
-post measurements and pictures on this site once a week, and adjust goals according to progress.
-write on this site every day! I can miss one day of writing on this site (or exercising) but the rule is, never two days in a row~

I'm also going to try to get my diet more under control. More fruits and veggies. It's hard because I live in Asia- which means no health food section, I cannot read the labels, and a lot of my favorite familiar foods are not available. But I'm going to try to get to Costco this weekend and choose some healthy items that are familiar.

mt 5-12-10

So I'm posting this for yesterday and may not remember everything.
Food: I can't remember exactly what I ate all day, just remember I was doing really good until...dun dun duhn dun...midnight- at which time I ate massive quantities of carbs. Now I try to stick to whole grains (which is nearly impossible in Asia) but the fact of the matter is, I didn't need to eat just then, I should have just gone to bed, then I would have gotten up early enough to work out in the am! silly silly.
Exercise: I did go for an hour long walk, and surfed for 45 min (it's been low tide in the morning and my spot doesn't work at low tide, pluse the waves have been tiny so it's tough to motivate myself to get out there.)

So here's the plan- no food after 1030 pm. I get off work at 9, get home at 930, walk my dogs till 940, then I'm hoping to do yoga from 940 till 10. Then a healhty snack and off to bed, or, if I stay up, I'll work out while watching a documentary about chairman mao (or the daily show, or snl reruns, or southpark) instead of eating while I watch them! Also I need to do yoga every am. My neck is a mess.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CQs Update - 5/11/10

Nothing good to report. I am back to the same weight I was before and my tummy is not the size I would like it to be. Been eating junk. And more junk. I think I am going to go eat some more junk.

I am considering doing a juice fast for a few days to try and get my eating habits back on track.

I am utterly exhausted. Been spending a lot of time running to and from doctors (today is no different). Also, Lynnette came from out of town so I had to try and keep her entertained/appeased for several days. I don't feel well and I am just draineeeeeeeeed.

I am going to try and get a nap in. My sleep has been poor and not enough lately and my social schedule has been overbearing.

I tried on some clothes I hadn't worn in awhile. That was a painful experience. I think I may pick an article of clothing and make it my goal to look good in it. Something with a little more definition that a bikini. But ultimately, I want to look good in a bikini too.

Hope I have better stuff to report next time.

mt 5-11-10

wooo I"m gonna keep this short cause I"m dang sleepy
breakfast- smoothie pops (super healthy!) and a fake chicken nugget (only 1 cause I only had one left)
lunch- super greasy veggies at the chinese buffet
dinner- big ol thing of pasta (think I"m gonna have to cut pasta from my diet)
snack- coffee candies, yummy yum! lots of em.
to drink- this rose damask tea- all sugar but damn it's good

exercise- 1 and a half hour walk on beach and a little hooping. gotta surf tomorrow!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

mt 5-10-10

sigh I've gotten fatter since starting this blog

breakfast- smoothie, cranberries, 5 veggie chicken nuggety type things
lunch- pasta-quite a lot, actually
dinner- toast and my sad attempt at making peanut butter cookies with the ingredients on hand
also a handfull of coffee candies and a square of dark chocolate

exercise- two long walks on the beach, stood on bongo board all day while writing, and a little bit o hula hooping. dissapointed couldnt surf becasue of wind--- or at least didn't surf cause of wind, hate windy surfing
last night I was stoked I did yoga, hula hooped, sit ups, etc. before going to bed.
tonight I was a bum
I'll log in tomorrow and post my new goals.

Monday, May 3, 2010

5/3/10 - CQ's Update

You and I have got to do better about this.

I started eating by the IC diet and lost some weight. Then, I went off it and starting taking this medication again that had helped cause me to gain all this weight to begin with. The meds are for nerve pain. My regular physican says I have neuritis, not IC. My pain is significantly less. But so is my weight loss. Sunday I weighed 145. Today, I weigh 149.6. WTF!

I am going to start going to the Standford Pain Management Clinic as of Friday. We shall see what they are able to do for me.

Seeming that I am likely stuck taking these medications that slow down my metabolism, I am going to have to attack my calorie intake. It will be hard, since not only does this medication slow down my metabolism, but it makes me want to eat everything in sight. Maybe I should pick up smoking again? lol.. Too late. I fell off the wagon last week after nearly 5 months. I've been sneaking them every now and again. Don't tell my lover.. lol. He's not supposed to know. I'll stop. I promise.

Okay, so here is what I can commit to. I will start planning out my meals better. Today, I will put together some meal options, and during the week days, I will stick with that. I'll probably not follow it on the weekends, but I will be sensible. My bf and I cook together on the weekends, and we are both trying to be healthy, so I don't think it should be a big deal.

My goal is to eat as much unprocessed foods as possible. I really believe that a lot of the weight loss I had initially had to do with that. It just makes sense to me that the body can't breakdown highly processed foods efficiently. So, I am going to try and get back to basics.

I don't want to turn into a blimp. :(