Tuesday, May 11, 2010

CQs Update - 5/11/10

Nothing good to report. I am back to the same weight I was before and my tummy is not the size I would like it to be. Been eating junk. And more junk. I think I am going to go eat some more junk.

I am considering doing a juice fast for a few days to try and get my eating habits back on track.

I am utterly exhausted. Been spending a lot of time running to and from doctors (today is no different). Also, Lynnette came from out of town so I had to try and keep her entertained/appeased for several days. I don't feel well and I am just draineeeeeeeeed.

I am going to try and get a nap in. My sleep has been poor and not enough lately and my social schedule has been overbearing.

I tried on some clothes I hadn't worn in awhile. That was a painful experience. I think I may pick an article of clothing and make it my goal to look good in it. Something with a little more definition that a bikini. But ultimately, I want to look good in a bikini too.

Hope I have better stuff to report next time.

1 comment:

  1. Hon if we make goals and keep eachother honest, I think we can get back in shape.
    Here are my goals:
    -Yoga every morning and evening
    -stand on my bongo board or sit on exercise ball to write/surf net instead of sitting on my ass.
    -surf, hoop or slackline for at least an hour every day.
    -no food after 1030
    -If I'm watching something on my computer/projector, work out (sit ups, stretching, yoga) while I'm watching. If I'm too tired to work out, it's time to go to bed.
