Monday, May 3, 2010

5/3/10 - CQ's Update

You and I have got to do better about this.

I started eating by the IC diet and lost some weight. Then, I went off it and starting taking this medication again that had helped cause me to gain all this weight to begin with. The meds are for nerve pain. My regular physican says I have neuritis, not IC. My pain is significantly less. But so is my weight loss. Sunday I weighed 145. Today, I weigh 149.6. WTF!

I am going to start going to the Standford Pain Management Clinic as of Friday. We shall see what they are able to do for me.

Seeming that I am likely stuck taking these medications that slow down my metabolism, I am going to have to attack my calorie intake. It will be hard, since not only does this medication slow down my metabolism, but it makes me want to eat everything in sight. Maybe I should pick up smoking again? lol.. Too late. I fell off the wagon last week after nearly 5 months. I've been sneaking them every now and again. Don't tell my lover.. lol. He's not supposed to know. I'll stop. I promise.

Okay, so here is what I can commit to. I will start planning out my meals better. Today, I will put together some meal options, and during the week days, I will stick with that. I'll probably not follow it on the weekends, but I will be sensible. My bf and I cook together on the weekends, and we are both trying to be healthy, so I don't think it should be a big deal.

My goal is to eat as much unprocessed foods as possible. I really believe that a lot of the weight loss I had initially had to do with that. It just makes sense to me that the body can't breakdown highly processed foods efficiently. So, I am going to try and get back to basics.

I don't want to turn into a blimp. :(

1 comment:

  1. agreed we've got to do better.let's make some goas together with consequences if we don't follow them
